
Jingle's Bench

Paws for a Walk

When Jingle arrived at the house, he was a nervous wreck. The only thing that kept him calm and happy was walking six to eight times a day. In a short time, Jingle had met all the animals in the yard, all the neighbors and became the best dog. He was the most famous dog in East Goshen Township! Come follow his walks and meet Jingle's animal and...

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Rowlf's Feathers

Messages of Love

Rowlf is an animal with special communication skills. He is a very furry rescue dog whose fur collects seeds, burrs, sticks, and feathers. Almost every day his family finds a feather on or near him. After his untimely death, he still leaves these love-feathers for his humans on special occasions. The feathers comfort his family to this day.


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Jingle, All the Way Home

Rescued by Love

One day in October, twelve fighting dogs were rescued from a dogfighting ring and brought to the shelter. This is the story of Jingle, who joined our family as a medical foster dog. He went through six weeks of vet treatments, destroyed all the different cone collars we tried, ate the door jamb and a pillow, got out of his locked crate,...

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It Wasn't in the Lesson Plan

Easy Lessons Learned the Hard Way

Lesson plans are an essential part of a teacher's day and help to guide the learning process in the classroom. But Anne Tenaglia discovered early on that there were more crucial ways to ensure the success of her students. Most of the time, the more valuable tools were not in the lesson plan at all. It Wasn't in the Lesson Plan takes us into the...

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