Jingle, All the Way Home

Rescued by Love

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 One day in October, twelve fighting dogs were rescued from a dogfighting ring and brought to the shelter. This is the story of Jingle, who joined our family as a medical foster dog. He went through six weeks of vet treatments, destroyed all the different cone collars we tried, ate the door jamb and a pillow, got out of his locked crate, shredded a $5 bill, but amazingly never barked, growled, or threatened anyone. Two months of fostering turned into eleven months when the court case dragged on into the following year. During that time, Jingle learned to love and trust, chose us for his family, and wormed his way into our hearts. He changed from an anxious, cowering dog into a fun-loving, confident one. We learned a lot from Jingle, too. He taught us some valuable lessons about the true nature of pit bulls and how fighting dogs can be rehabbed with patience and love. This is the story of how that happened, how Jingle went from fighter to lover, Rescued by Love

Praise for this book

This is not just a book, it’s hope. Heartwarming hope to a difficult problem. This is a message for older youth to grow with and learn compassion from as they see we can work to fix an injustice. This story of love shows that the misused dog is worthy of the effort and can reward the effort of rehabilitation. Anne Tenaglia’s beautifully illustrated, true story of Jingle is proof that many dogs brutalized by the illegal fighting dog business can make the journey from violence and misery all the way to loving forever homes.

Jingle Got a Second Chance to Shine
I just received and read this heartwarming story of Jingle, a rescued fighting pitbull, who was given a second chance. Through determination, tenacity and love, Anne and her husband gave this boy what he was missing in his life and he rewarded them in kind. It is written so it is easily

A love story that heals all wounds. Beautifully written with wonderful illustrations.